Saturday 6 February 2016

I don't talk to women,I talk to feminists.

Feminism is considered to be a perverted religion whose followers are considered are considered to be hate speechers.Such a blind view of feminism will get you nowhere instead will end you.
Feminism is considered to be a rebel's religion and cannot be followed by normal persons.All these is due to ignorance and all this will lead to ignorance in future.This is due to lack of feminist awareness programs,no subject on feminism,no monetary jobs and no monetary gains,and so on.These are the reasons which helps you to destroy feminism easily.Even this post will be muted by those parents who don't want their sons to improve in future,I know that.Here improve is means improving the knowledge on feminism.
Feminism is not anti masculinity,No feminism is anti stereotypes of the society.Even in Google+,there are groups which suggests that feminists anti women,but that should not be the understanding of feminism,if that is the meaning of feminism,change it for the good.Humans want change and are itself changing.
The most dangerous enemy of feminism is women itself and not the males,because even males are taught by some mothers to remain away from girls.Some women are anti feminists which I feel should be those women who think that women's ideal place is under men's feet.Women are born to do slavery,and so on.
So,I have decided not to talk to women,only to feminists.These women don't know that the dress they are wearing today is so comfortable because a feminist made it.The products she uses are mostly made by the feminists,because feminists see women as the person who should be always happy.Learn more about feminists,they have been fighting for long years and thereby winning the fights,could bring huge changes in the society and certain qualities of equality in the society.And today there are some women and men who condemn it to be pervertism.Perverts are those who believe that men and women are highly different.Perverts are those who think giving women liberty will destroy the society.Liberty is not the cause of divorces,if it is so,divorces are good.Because,remove the person who doesnot want to adjust with you from your life.See,some amount of domination of either gender will be there in a family,but that should be healthy for the society,and not for the evil.
Some religions consider women's testimonials as half of the men.This is just the result of ignorance of knowledge about women.Most of the religions brainwash women and kill their iQ,all this is started from your trust for them.

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