Saturday 6 June 2015

The universal religion is feminism.


Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women.[1][2] This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.[3]"Simply copied and pasted from wikipedia"
As per wikipedia,this is the stuff.But I tell you that this is not the all.It is the universal religion and since one is not baptised into it one cannot get red of it.

Let's follow the universal religion.

Every individual born from a female is a feminist regardless whether he/she follows the religion or not.Sean Williamson says "The only disability is the inability of oneself to adapt."In other words,inequality lies in the eyes of the beholder.Females are no longer toys to be played by men.
In the beginning the father controls her,then the husband and lastly the child.
It seems the only sin they have done is that they have loved the masculine and has sacrificed everything for this only to be exploited by them.Since, the men being one of the factors responsible so it is the men who are also responsible to pay of the debt from his mother by liberating women.
More skilled the women become,more skilled the society and its members will be.Since the most important resource in this world is the human,the burning issue is the development of all its members.But when they read the heading they tend to bypass labelling it as "not their domain"

Inequality amongst women.

Each woman is made weak by their elder ones in the name of "what the others will say?",in the name of society and the name of tradition.If all women unite then they become strong and there is no force in this world that can stop them from being free. From my personal experience,when jeans for women had first come to india,women were very shy and the elder women who are too old to adapt, didn't approve it,this created a problem.Everyone accused it to be a taboo and that is the reason it took a long time for our so called culture to accept it.The culture won't stop us from using new technical gadgets just because we can adapt to it very easily. We must think again that there wear no jeans at that time so there is no mention of it but it is nowhere written that men can wear it.Today we all talk about sustainability, just imagine when a women of 5 feet wears a 5-7 metre thing how much cotton and human labour gets wasted,but however if she wears a relatively shorter garment some less resources per capita are utilised and the inflation rate will come down.Why should the women  only unite even the men who think they need to pay the debt to their mother must join voluntarily.
It is this notion if women that makes her vulnerable to many things.Being united is their only strength.Whenever a woman tries something new,the first one to rebel or protest are the fellow women and that's not fair.It is understood that it was the women of the previous generation had to suffer,but we must understand that we mustn't bite the dog if he even if it bites us or even if we are able to.

Some common mistakes.

Separating the men 

from the fight to liberty and freedom for women or not inviting the men to join in that is utterly foolishness.

Seeing the world through others eyes:-

Some conservative humans see change as a radical thing as they cannot adopt.Tomorrow if scientists make the method to reproduce without female aid then they they will be the first to adopt to ensure that females don't inhabit this earth.Then what will the elder women do.

Image result for schoolingType of schooling 

It's the school that begins to teach them that that you are a "women" i.e. a species with no liberty and the one to be exploited at the hands of women.
Let me tell you that the weakness of every individual is love,and the schools very well know this they love to encourage the girls to have a long hair ,to be away from boys so that they don't learn the secret of male dominance in the later on years to come.Girls from the beginning are taught to be soft and tender.Is that exactly what a parent wants from his son.No,is the only answer that I can hear.In this world.
To be con'td in the next post.

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